The disruptive force of music: revolution and falling in love!
Stresa Festival Hall: ring up the curtain!
Two great artists such as Arturo Sandoval and Nicola Piovani inaugurate Stresa Festival 2023.

One of the great representatives of jazz, Arturo Sandoval, brings his sextet to Stresa. This is not the traditional trio or quartet we are used to, as his group is now larger group, with outside musicians, almost producing ‘symphonic jazz’. Not for nothing is this high-class musician considered one of the world’s best jazz trumpeters.
Sandoval is an innovator with Cuban music. He was one of the first to start ‘contaminating’ Cuban traditional music with jazz, and in fact he ran into trouble with Castro; the Party did not want Sandoval to play “yankee” music, and did not appreciate the filo-American contamination during concerts. Sandoval applied for political exile in the United States after an authorized tournée, and organized his escape with his family, helped by the legendary jazz maestro Dizzy Gillespie, his idol, who he had met in Havana years before, and who became his mentor.
Sandoval holds a place among the stars on the international jazz trumpet and flicorn scene, besides his talents as a classical musician, pianist and composer. He brings with him six outstanding musicians for this unmissable concert, and you will really enjoy his exciting music.
Here is all the information you need not to miss this concert.

Nicola Piovani, awarded an Oscar for the best sound track for La vita è bella, manages with small ensembles to write music that boasts grand symphonic colors. He insists that no way of listening to music is comparable to hearing it live: ‘That is music in flesh and bone.’
Among the other cinema greats with whom he has spent days of work and friendship he recalls in particular the eleven years spent side by side with
Federico Fellini, and Piovani pays homage to him in one of his latest productions, entitled La musica è pericolosa (Music is dangerous). It’s one of Fellini’s sayings, Poivani says, and refers to that inevitable danger that lies in our strong emotions. He adds that it applies to falling in love too!
Piovani dedicates much of his time to the cinema and theater, dividing it between them with passion. “I discovered the cinema as an adolescent, when I started going to the cinema d’autore – the ‘art-house cinema’. The theater was a childhood love, which made it stronger. It’s always an exciting moment when the curtain rises.”
In his Oscar-winning sound track for Roberto Benigni’s La vita è bella Piovani tells a musical tale with the instruments on stage: piano, double bass, percussion, sax, clarinet, guitar, cello, and accordion. We’ll let ourselves by carried away freely in a musical voyage, narrated by the overwhelming force of the music.
A golden thread runs through the compelling sound tracks composed by this Maestro, making the evening a sincere narration, gently moving, courteous, and passionate in the most artistically intense and significant moments in his career. Accompanying it are clips from the films and artistes who have shared his long story.
All the details here!
Are you curious about the Oscar-winning sound track of Benigni’s La Vita è Bella and the tales about famous film makers like Fellini? The first appointment with our Album – our not-to-be missed meetings with the artistes – stars Nicola Piovani. This is a unique opportunity to meet this outstanding musician close up, and hear his anecdotes about his life spent between the cinema and theater.
For information and bookings contact the Festival booking office!