Islands of music to navigate through
An archipelago of sound to discover and explore, islands of music to navigate through: this is how we imagine the Festival as a landing place to disembark on and from which to depart enriched by new musical achievements.
Thus a map is drawn for the territory in which the islands of music ambitiously want to enrich the natural beauty of Lake Maggiore.
#jazz, #classic, #baroque e #young: from 14 July to 8 September 2023.
Discover the program of the 62nd edition of Stresa Festival!
Read Mario Brunello’s presentation.
<< Let’s imagine it an archipelago of sound, to sail around, navigating, discovering and encountering new islands in Lake Maggiore – islands of sound – of music! Stresa Festival 2023 is setting the rhythm of the summer to the sound of music, creating four islands of sound – one more fascinating and beautiful than the next – each with its own character, sketched out by the types of music and the great musicians who will play it. Stresa Festival this year is outlining a new map of the territory, in which the islands of music jostle ambitiously to add to the beauties already offered by Stresa and Lago Maggiore. The sites start with Stresa Festival Hall – which is what we want to call the big hall in the conference building, the Palazzo dei Congressi, because it deserves it now, with its recent superbe acoustics and because it is the ‘historic memory’ of the Festival. Then there is La Catapulta, designed by the architect Michele De Lucchi, our ‘portable’ outdoor concert hall known throughout the world already. Moving on over the islands, we sense the mystic aura of the incredible Eremo di Santa Caterina del Sasso, perched on the cliff. In Verbania there is the fine 15th century church of Madonna di Campagna, San Leonardo and the Museo del Paesaggio (landscape museum). We get a breath of contemporary air in the logistics hall of Herno, the main sponsor of the Stresa Festival.
#Stresafestivaljazz, a luglio, è la prima isola dove potremo ascoltare due grandi star internazionali quali Arturo Sandoval e Nicola Piovani. Protagonisti dei successivi appuntamenti saranno giovani musicisti internazionali tra i
#stresafestivaljazz in July is the first ‘island of sound’, where we shall meet two major international stars and their vision of music, Arturo Sandoval and Nicola Piovani, followed by three appointments with young musicians, Matteo Mancuso, Accent and , who are leaving a deep and innovative mark on jazz – and elsewhere.
HalliGalli Quartet.
Rigoletto on the Isola Bella promises to be a unique experience. In this chamber version of Verdi’s opera the public will be close to the action, to the music and song, and the natural scenography of the Lake.
#stresafestivalyoung is a newborn island – a young one for young people, their music and their passions, and their desire to take part in yesterday’s and today’s music. The Missa dux Ferrarie by the 16th century Josquin Desprez will be sung in the church of Madonna di Campagna by young local singers and musicians: five hundred years of music and history, all in the hands of young musicians who will no doubt be tempted to introduce some electronic sound by Teho Teardo just to show they are on the banks of the Lake, where their future lies.
quali il giovanissimo chitarrista Matteo Mancuso, il gruppo vocale Accent e l’HalliGalli Quartet.
Sempre a luglio gli ottoni del Billi Brass Quintet saranno ospitati all’isola Pescatori mentre un’esperienza unica e preziosa sarà il Rigoletto, ovvero l’opera di Verdi in una versione da camera all’aperto, ideata dal regista Gianmaria Aliverta, con il pubblico che potrà seguire la vicenda entrando nel vivo della storia, a tu per tu con la musica, il canto e un’originale scenografia.
#Stresafestivalyoung è un’isola appena nata, abitata da giovani per i giovani del territorio, dalla loro musica, le loro passioni e la voglia di essere presenti nella musica di ieri e di oggi. E sono stati proprio loro a proporre per il Festival la Missa dux Ferrarie del rinascimentale Josquin Desprez che sarà interpretata da giovani cantori e strumentisti nella chiesa di Madonna di Campagna: cinquecento anni di musica e di storia, tutta in mano ai giovani.
Dal passato si fa un salto al futuro perché tra le proposte di #Stresafestivalyoung c’è anche la musica elettronica di Teho Teardo, per una performance in riva al lago dedicata ai giovani e a tutti quelli che vogliono sperimentare.

#stresafestivalclassic: this is the musical island with the widest repertory – classic, romantic, modern. At its heart lies a cycle of chamber works among Schubert’s best-known and original output. the Grand Duo, the Ottetto, and Arpeggione.
This evening’s exceptional players, Alëna Baeva, Dmitry Ablogin, Sergey Malov, Flóra Fábri, Royal Concertgebouw use unusual instruments like the violoncello da spalla – played at the shoulder, and the fortepiano.
This great instrumental repertory includes Prokofiev’s Romeo e Giulietta in a rare chamber version with a harp, and Bach’s Well-tempered Klavier, followed by Beethoven’s moving Quartetto op. 132. Then there are excited “progressive” improvisations on a violin and cello with Matthias Bartolomey and Klemens Bittmann and a virtuoso performance by an outstanding young trumpeter, Lucienne Renaudin Vary with Felicien Brut on the accordion.
We shall hear the trumpet again at dawn as the sun rises over the Lake, seen from the Sass Dal Pizz, the most striking panorama in one of the Festival Albums.
The Albums illustrate the special moments when the Festival artistes give their public special attention; there may be a glass of wine, a walk, a chat in the gardens of Villa Taranto or other surprising places.