C.M.v. WEBER, Ouverture da Il franco cacciatore
L. VAN BEETHOVEN, Concerto per pianoforte n. 4 in sol magg. op. 58
J. BRAHMS, Sinfonia n. 4 in mi min. op. 98
Pianist Sir András Schiff has unfortunately had to cancel his upcoming concert with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra for health reasons. We are very grateful that Seong-jin Cho has agreed to take over the performance of Beethoven’s Fourth piano concerto.
An important moment in the 63rd edition of the Settimane Musicali di Stresa, this evening’s concert boasts the Orchestra della Royal Concertgebouw from Amsterdam, conducted by Myung-Whun Chung, with the pianist Seong-Jin Cho. The Dutch orchestra, which last played at the Festival in 1988, is considered one of the most prestigious on the international stage, and its very name is an absolute guarantee!
The two other ‘stars’ of the evening are the Korean conductor Myung-Whun Chung, whose career has seen him on the podium with the major symphony orchestras, and Seong-Jin Cho, appreciated throughout the world for his interpretations of a vast piano repertoire.
The first part of the program features Beethoven’s Concerto per pianoforte e orchestra no. 4, which was first performed in 1808 in Vienna. Composed in a moment of great artistic fertility – including Fidelio and the Fifth Symphony, Concerto no. 4 does not follow the traditional models, and marks the start of a personal, innovative concept of this form.
After the interval we move on to Brahms’ Symphony No. 4, the last one written by the great Hamburg composer. Performed for the first time in 1885, under the baton of Brahms himself, it was an immediate success. Since then it has gained a place among the great symphonies, and is rightly considered a piece that distinguishes the major classical orchestras.

Seong-Jin Cho, piano
Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra
Myung-Whun Chung, conductor

Saturday 31 August 2024
8.00 pm
Stresa Festival Hall
Piazzale Europa – Stresa (VB)

ph. Riccardo Musacchio
ph. Milagro Elstak
ph. Simon Van Boxtel
ph. Nadia F Romanini
ph. Jean-Francois Leclercq
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Associazione Settimane Musicali di Stresa
Festival Internazionale
Via Carducci, 38
28838 Stresa (VB)
ph. +39 0323 31095
fax +39 0323 33006
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Email: info@stresafestival.eu
Pec: settimanemusicali@cgn.legalmail.it
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