Simply Mozart

Omaggio a Mozart

W.A. Mozart
Sinfonia n
. 39 in mi bem. magg. K 543
Sinfonia concertante per violino, viola e orchestra in mi bem. magg. K 364
Sinfonia n
. 41 in do magg. K 551 “Jupiter”

The closing evening of the Festival is entirely dedicated to Mozart. The two symphonies in the program, no. 39 K. 543 and no. 41 K. 551 “Jupiter”, are the last he wrote, together with no. 40 K. 550, in the summer of 1788. It is not clear who commissioned the symphonies, but the theory has it that they were intended for what were then known as the Academies. Mozart was in considerable financial difficulty and had had to leave his home in Vienna and move out to the suburbs.
It is astounding how he managed to compose no fewer than three masterpieces in a few weeks, especially considering that in the next three years before his untimely death, he never had the satisfaction of hearing or ’digesting’ them!
Despite his problems at the time, the great Salzburg composer has left us these pages of music, of the highest formal and artistic value, which still today are always included in the repertoire of any classical orchestra.
Tonight’s program offers the marvellous Sinfonia concertante K. 364, where the two soloists – Julien Chauvin on the violin, and conducting, and Adrien La Marca on the viola – dialogue with the French Le Concert de la Loge orchestra, in a memorable, insuperable fusion.

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Adrien La Marca, viola

Le Concert de la Loge

Julien Chauvin, violin and conductor


Friday 8 September 2023
8:00 pm

Stresa Festival Hall
Piazzale Europa – Stresa (VB)


€ 40 parterre / € 25 balcony
Under 26: € 10, € 5


Season ticket Stresa Festival Hall
(6 concerts): € 180

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Associazione Settimane Musicali di Stresa
Festival Internazionale
Via Carducci, 38
28838 Stresa (VB)
ph. +39 0323 31095
fax +39 0323 33006
C.F. e P.IVA 00229020037

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