F. CHOPIN, Polacca-Fantasia in la bem. magg. op. 61; Barcarola op. 60; Preludio in do diesis min. op. 45;
Scherzo n. 3 in do diesis min. op. 39; Andante spianato et Grande Polonaise brillante op. 22
S. PROKOF’EV, Sonata per pianoforte n. 8 in si bem. magg. op. 84
Since she was awarded First Prize at the Chopin contest in Warsaw in 2010, Yulianna Avdeeva conquered audiences throughout the world, and her concerts have taken her to the Warsaw Philharmonic, to the Rudolfinum in Praga, the Pierre Boulez Saal in Berlino, the Vienna Konzerthaus and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. She has given concerts for the Ukraine Relief Fund, including one together with Anne-Sophie Mutter at the Lucerne chamber music festival.
Tonight’s program opens with several of Chopin’s masterpieces. Then comes Prokofiev’s Sonata no. 8, which he finished in 1944, and is the last sonata in his catalogue. Dedicated to Mira Mendelsohn, who later became his second wife, it reflects the turbulent years of the world war, and is rich in contrasts that illustrate the Russian composer’s mastery. Considerable virtuosism is required of the interpreter, and the ability to render the composer’s different emotional states.

Yulianna Avdeeva, piano

Sunday 25 August 2024
8.00 pm
Stresa Festival Hall
Piazzale Europa – Stresa (VB)

ph. Maxim Abrossimow
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